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The Underwire: These Girls are Supported

Posted: August 22, 2017
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The Underwire is an 8-week nutrition program. We’ve partnered up with Amy Yeoman of Fuel to Thrive to provide this program exclusively for the members of Farmgirlfit!

Before we begin, you select which one of 6 groups, you most identify with from a nutrition standpoint. The guidance, challenges, and goals over the 8 weeks will be tailored to each specific group. Which one do you think best identifies you? #theunderwire #thesegirlsaresupported

Group #1: Teach me all the things.

What does healthy eating REALLY look like (not in theory). I want to know the basics and build on them. #whatsacarb I know when I'm eating something "bad" but I want to know how to eat the good! #thebasics #notbasic #teachmeyourways

Group #2: Busy mom, always going and doing.

More often than not, a balanced meal is anything left on your kid's plate: a half-eaten cheese stick, 2 handfuls of goldfish and half a juice box. You want to focus on balance; feeding your family and fueling yourself (and everyone!) properly. #nomoretoddlerfood #balancedmeals #fuelthefamily #fuelyourself

Group #3: Healthy eating for pregnant and newly postpartum ladies.

If you're currently pregnant or newly postpartum, (maybe within the last year or less) and/or breastfeeding, this is the group for you! Fueling a body that is constantly going through changes and working to fuel another little human, is the goal! #fitmama #babyonboard #healthymom #newworkoutbuddy

Group #4: Good at exercise, kinda bad at food.

Maybe you think you're always "earning" different treats, and somewhat unhealthy foods. You're kinda stuck in your ways when it comes to nutrition, and feel like "Well, I'll just work this off later in the gym." BUT you aren’t seeing progress physically or with your performance. #pasttheplateau #pushthrough #worksmarter #themissingpiece

Group #5: Seasoned Sisters

We've heard from our wiser members that things change as we age. Learn how to best fuel your body through hormonal and metabolic shifts at 40, 50, 60, and beyond. This group is for our #seasonedsisters who want to converse and support each other through the seasons of life! #ageisjustanumber #hormones #seasonschange #fuelfox

Group #6: Fine Tuning

You have a good thing going—you know how to eat well for your body, and you do most of the time—but is there something you could be doing better for your specific performance goals? This group will focus on that extra work it's going to take. #gains #goals #tweakit #dothework #thedevilisinthedetails

Sign-up for your group at the gym (either location). Last day to sign-up is Wednesday, August 30th!


For further details, be sure to attend one of the following Initial Information Meetings – members from both locations can attend any of the 3 meetings.

📌TUE 8/22 at 7:30pm (Spo)

📌THU 8/24 at 7:30pm (CdA)

📌SAT 8/26 at 10:00am (Spo)

If you are a Farmgirlfit member interested in participating, but CANNOT make one of the meetings, reach out to Amy Yeoman directly at 

Remember, LAST DAY TO SIGN-UP is Wednesday, August 30th!
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